![]() The whole ride started in the mid-70s when a young David Current
got a job creating a slide show for the Children's Home Society. To visit
their six locations around Washington state, he borrowed (and slept in) his
mom's old Mercedes. While taking pictures at the Blue Mountain Boys' Ranch
near Walla Walla, he had an idea to pitch a recruitment slide show to the
admissions office at nearby Whitman College, where he'd been a student several
years before. They took him up on the idea -- a stroke of luck, considering he'd been 86'd from campus under threat of arrest just a few years before for Vietnam-era "outside agitating." The Whitman slide show was a hit, so he drove down to Salem and showed it to Willamette University, who panicked and wanted one of their own. Off and running, he got master wordsmith Anne on board not too long after, and things haven't slowed down much since.
To get the full sense of what it's like to work here at The Mines (one of David's pet names for the studio), you should request a copy of our top-secret CR Corporate Culture video, produced by two of our interns a few years back. Better yet, stop by for a visit. (But call first, so we can tidy up, okay?)
The relaxed atmosphere is well complemented by a seriously professional work ethic. Content is king around here, and we never rest until a client's story is told effectively with subtlety, richness, and panache. We work for such august institutions as The Ford Foundation and Georgetown University, as well as more modest (but no less important) organizations such as Bush School and the Suquamish Museum.
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